Human Foot Bones Medical Content

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Human Foot Bones Medical Content

Created: Aug 8, 2024

Updated: Aug 8, 2024

ID: 438778

Human Foot Bones Medical Content - Features Image 1

The human foot is a complex structure composed of 26 bones, which are categorized into three main groups: the tarsal bones, the metatarsal bones, and the phalanges. Here's a detailed breakdown of these bones:

1. Tarsal Bones (7):

These bones form the rear part of the foot and the ankle. They include:

  • Talus: The bone that forms the lower part of the ankle joint and connects with the tibia and fibula.
  • Calcaneus: The heel bone, which is the largest tarsal bone and forms the base of the heel.
  • Navicular: Located in front of the talus and helps to form the arch of the foot.
  • Cuboid: Positioned on the outer side of the foot, it connects with the calcaneus and the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones.
  • Medial Cuneiform: Located at the front of the foot, it is the first of three cuneiform bones and is positioned next to the navicular.
  • Intermediate Cuneiform: The middle cuneiform bone, located next to the medial cuneiform.
  • Lateral Cuneiform: The third cuneiform bone, located on the outer side of the foot.

2. Metatarsal Bones (5):

These bones form the middle part of the foot. Each metatarsal bone is numbered from one to five, starting from the big toe (hallux) side:

  • First Metatarsal: The largest and strongest, supporting the big toe.
  • Second Metatarsal: The longest of the metatarsals.
  • Third Metatarsal: Positioned in the middle of the foot.
  • Fourth Metatarsal: Located towards the outer side of the foot.
  • Fifth Metatarsal: The smallest metatarsal bone, located on the outer edge of the foot, where the little toe is.

3. Phalanges (14):

These bones make up the toes. Each toe has a specific arrangement of phalanges:

  • Big Toe (Hallux): Has 2 phalanges (proximal and distal).
  • Other Toes: Each has 3 phalanges (proximal, middle, and distal).

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